Tuesday, February 1, 2011

[FIND] Diligence

What’s under the surface is not always bad, not always a deal killer; but if it is, you need to know.

Human capital: the stock of competences, knowledge, and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. It is the attributes gained by a worker through education and experience. Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003). Economics: Principles in action.

As a venture capitalist, you seek great ideas, business plans, widgets the world needs. But when it comes to putting your money behind a concept, our thinking is this: You’re not investing in a company as much as you’re endowing human capital.

In a recent survey of private equity investors, nearly 70% of the respondents indicated that they believed “…poor company performance is either very often or always attributable to management issues.” But while the investors said, by and large, that they were moving away from, “…a more instinctive approach when it comes to picking talent,” they are still using outdated and loosely defined methods of assessing human capital.

What we do – the broad view.
[FIND] Investigations performs background investigations to help limit your financial and reputational risk.

What we do – the more specific view.
[FIND] Investigations can locate, identify, and/or find the following:

·               Non-disclosed businesses/relationships
·               Controversial media attention
·               Lawsuit history
·               Regulatory issues
·               Conflicts of interest (IP theft, fraud, etc.)
·               Resume Fraud
·               Indications of financial stress
·               Criminal history
·               Personal history

What makes us different?
[FIND] Investigations produces well written, comprehensively researched, and thoroughly-documented reports. Our final report is a distilled analysis of potential areas of concern, not just a list or summary. We recommend deeper research where necessary. We look into problem areas in detail and help you determine what action might be appropriate: is this a deal-killer, an issue to "spin," or just a minor obstacle?

We approach our work as working professionals with backgrounds in business and research. We are writers, journalists, appraisers, analysts…we do this work for a living, not as a post-retirement-hobby. You can expect a lack of jargon in our reports. The passive voice is avoided whenever possible.

What you can expect – Clients' Bill of Rights.
[FIND] Investigations believes that you have the right to, and should demand, the following:

·               You have the right to an investigator who is as intelligent as you are.
·               You have the right to receive professional service.
·               You and your employees have the right to be treated with respect at all times.
·               You have the right to a well written, well reasoned, and grammatically correct report.
·               You have the right to a good-faith estimate of total project costs, up front.
·               You have the right to expect phone calls and emails to be returned within at least 24 hours.
·               You have the right to expect ethical conduct and complete confidentiality.
·               You have the right to a detailed invoice, clearly showing all charges.

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